Performance Compounds

The availability of advanced materials manufacturing processes opens up many supplementary and new opportunities in plastics production. These include for example metallocene-catalyzed polymerization reactions that allow the tailoring of property profiles with so-called polyolefin standard plastics, or the skilful combination of fillers and reinforcing agents for better mutual effect. This often allows their use in applications previously reserved for Engineering Plastics. Cost-efficient extended solutions can thus be found that are tailored to the respective requirements. The usually lower processing temperatures of these base polymers also enable optimized energy/mass balances and carbon footprints as well as easier recyclability. The clever use of compounding features significantly enhances freedom of design both for formulation and product development.

BUSS performance compounding technology is suitable for the following cable applications

Natural Fiber Composites

For thousands of years natural fibers were mankind’s primary material. Houses and ships were built of wood, while flax and hemp were used for making ropes and utilitarian fabrics such as sails and corn sacks. During the industrial revolution and in modern times, new applications have been developed with the use of chemical agents for bonding natural fibers into strong components for use in various industries.


There are basically two reasons for working fillers into a plastic matrix: to optimize the compound material properties, such as for breathable foils or sound-absorbing pipes, or to save costs.